Everything You Need To Know About the BART Strike on Day 3

Photo by Cathy=)

Here’s a bunch of things to read about the ongoing BART strike (today is Day 3):

BART Strike: Labor Negotiations To Resume At 1 PM Wednesday (SF Appeal)
Surprise! Last night’s negotiations went nowhere. Pray/hope/skip rocks that today’s talks accomplish something.

An Open Letter to the Community from the BART Workers (Keep BART Running)
In which some BART operators tell their side of the story.

Oakland to Toss Parking Tickets Handed Out During Strike (SF Weekly’s The Snitch)
Across the Bay, parking enforcement officers also struck Monday. Well, almost all of them did.

BART Strike: Another Instance of Media Portraying Workers as Greedy (The Nation)
In which the bastion of liberal journalism shines a light on labor’s demands.

What the BART Strike Means for the Regional Transit Agenda (SPUR)
Wonky wonk-types get wonky. And FSM bless them, too.

Why the BART Strike Happened (Beyond Chron)
“The chief reason is BART management’s historic insensitivity to its workers.”

What’s wrong with New York Magazine’s take on the BART Strike (Laura O.)

If you’ve got more BART strike news to share with fellow readers, drop links in the comments here, please.


  • loinmaster

    Does any one have any info on the education and experience required to be an operator or station agent? How does bart hire for these positions?

  • WIllie Brown

    @loinmaster: You can view the job descriptions here: http://bart.gov/about/jobs/descriptions/index.aspx

    But to answer your question in a glib manner: you basically need a GED and the ability to be around people without freaking out (the latter is optional).

  • TransitMan

    Excellent article choices that finally shed some light on the plight of the workers. Unions/workers don’t strike unless severely provoked to do so. Transit riders are hellbent on blaming someone for their inconvenience and fail to understand the true negotiations. True the gross pay figures seem high for the workers, but a in-depth anaylsis of their pay structure and an understanding of Bart’s employee-management relationship will shed light on the true nature of the situation.

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