Meaghan and Ronald Mitchell on the people’s railway (and its people)

Meaghan Mitchell returned to the Muni Diaries stage at our “Thank You, Driver” show with a loving tribute to her dad, 35-year Muni veteran Ronald Mitchell. She shares what it was like being raised by a Muni driver in ’90s San Francisco, and what makes Muni more than a transit agency—and then invites Ronald to join her on stage.

Meaghan and Ronald remind us that our Muni operators are human, that they have families, and that they’re on the front lines of our city’s biggest challenges every day. And they ask us to keep on loving and riding Muni: as Ronald says, “There’s nothing like the Municipal Railway.”

Listen to Meaghan and Ronald here:

Muni Diaries Live is back on April 10th! Join us at The Wayfinding Show for more true stories about the ups and downs of life on Muni. Snag your tickets today!

Photos by Emily Huston

Rory O’Neill to the Rescue

Getting stuck on a dark, stalled Muni train is every rider’s worst nightmare. But what’s it like being one of the mechanics with the daunting task of getting that train and its frustrated riders moving again? 

Rory O’Neill understands both sides of that coin. He spent many years working as a mechanic on the mobile response unit and the emergency response unit for Muni’s light rail fleet—and he’s also an every-day Muni rider.

Now the supervisor of the Maintenance Training Department, Rory joined us at Muni Diaries Live and gave us a glimpse into the oft-overlooked world of Muni’s vehicle mechanics and maintenance workers. Rory reminds us just how many people get us where we need to go every day, whether we see them or not. “In the end, that’s what we do, right? We move people.”

Listen to Rory’s story here:

Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any of our true stories from everyday bus riders! Have a Muni story you’d like to share? Email us your pitch at

Photo by Emily Huston

Ep. 155: Night of Ideas Part 2—The friends we made along the way

In March 2024, Muni Diaries had the pleasure of attending the Night of Ideas, a program organized by the San Francisco Public Library, KQED, Circuit Network, and Villa Albertine. This installment paid homage to our favorite transit system, and we’d be remiss if we didn’t tap into the wealth of Muni-riffic experiences (good, bad, great, somewhere in between) for our popup story booth. 

Not surprisingly, we got a lot of bites from people eager to share their stories. We curated some of those here for your listening enjoyment around the theme of: friends we made along the way. This is the second in our series from that evening; hit up the first, Ep. 152, Everyday Heroes on the Bus.

Bonus, gentle reminder to Vote Yes on L in November. Fund the bus or there won’t be stories like these about your fellow humans on public transit!

You can listen to it here:

Have a Muni story you’d like to share? Email us your pitch at

Where the 6 takes you: How Kristee Ono met her hero

Kristee Ono loves the 6 Haight-Parnassus and, like many of us who frequent a particular Muni line, she knows her fellow riders well — even though they’re technically strangers. One fellow passenger always stood out: a mysterious artist, impeccably dressed, conspicuously kind.

She had no idea he was local transit icon and fellow Muni Diaries storyteller Kurt Schwartzmann. But when she shared a Haiku about him at our November 2023 show, we knew immediately:

Who are you
Man with an easel and an eye patch?
Where does the 6 take you?

Kristee returned to the Muni Diaries Live stage in April to share the heartwarming story of what followed, and how she and Kurt went from strangers on the bus to cherished friends. You can listen to it here:

Have a Muni story you’d like to share? Email us your pitch at

Photo by Emily Huston

Muni operator Charles Haletky on teaching “professional paranoia”

Operators are the front-line glue holding this operation together. Still, The Public (myself included) have had a spicy word or two for an operator, occasionally on this very website. So often we’ve had a spicy word for any operator, stranger, or boss on the wrong day at the wrong time. Some wrong days are wrong-er than others.

Veteran operator Charles Haletky joined us at a special Muni Diaries Live in April 2024, which paid homage to the operators, mechanics, trainers, and everyone in the SFMTA universe keeping the machine running. In this recording from the show, Haletky walks us through the highs of “pure, exquisite joy of public humiliation” and the lows of, well…the lowest you can imagine. He reminds us that, as someone who trains the next generation of operators, he needs to be cruel on occasion—not to be kind, but for the greater good.

Listen to the stories on your favorite pod platform:

And then! Subscribe so don’t miss a minute. We regularly bring audio from the live shows, as well as ongoing musings from the everyday Muni experience. Muni Diaries on Spotify? Muni Diaries on Apple Podcasts? Hit us up.

Pic by Emily Huston

Night of Ideas part 1: Everyday heroes on the bus

This is the first part in a series showcasing short Muni stories we collected from attendees at the Night of Ideas at the San Francisco Public Library on March 2, 2024. This batch of stories focuses on everyday heroes on the bus: situations where a small gesture or act of kindness by a transit rider or operator turned a tense situation around, made someone feel seen or appreciated, or just brightened their day.

Listen to the stories here:

We were struck by how many of these stories featured Muni operators being the hero in seemingly small ways that meant a lot to the storyteller. It’s a good reminder that not only do our operators work a demanding job and get us where we need to go, but so often they go above and beyond in keeping folks feeling safe or brightening people’s day.

We hope to see you this Thursday, April 4 at Muni Diaries Live: The “Thank You, Driver” Show, which will feature even more stories by and about the transit workers who keep us rolling. And remember to always thank your operator!

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