Weekend Photo Diary: Going Somewhere?

Girl With Makeup

Well, finally! God is starting to behave like he should, damning this sleepy, quiet coastal town with a weekend of more or less shitty weather. Oh, well. Most of us would trade righteousness and cherubs for the debauchery-laden burg we call home. Right?

Speaking of debauchery, this weekend, among other goings-on, is Carnaval in the Mission. If you’re planning on Muni-ing anywhere near that neighborhood either Saturday or Sunday, do yourself a favor and peep this MTA Carnaval route schedule. Oh, and have a great weekend!

xoxo, Muni Diaries

Photo by sflovestory from Muni Photos Flickr Group pool.

Weekend Photo Diary: The lights, how they shine

F Market & Wharves

It’s supposed to be another beautiful weekend, weather-wise. Makes you wonder why god keeps smiting this town he’s so clearly forsaken. I mean, seriously, is nice weather the modern-day equivalent of blood and guts and curses on your house? Why do we Sin Fransickens keep getting blessed with it?

Also, keep in mind that Bay to Breakers is happening Sunday, although if you’re anything like us, you won’t be attending thanks to all the wonderful new rules ING has imposed on the event in their attempt to strip it of any and all fun. Here’s a list of Muni’s planned service changes for the day of the event.

And as always, enjoy yourselves and we’ll see you Monday.

xoxo Muni Diaries

Photo by -nanio- from the Muni Photos Flickr pool

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