You could help shape bus rapid transit on Van Ness Avenue

Image via SF Arts Commission

Van Ness bus rapid transit has become more and more a reality. SFMTA is now asking you (yes, you!) to participate in the Van Ness BRT Community Advisory Committee (CAC). From SFMTA’s website:

“The CAC will provide input to the Van Ness Bus Rapid Transit project team by providing varied perspectives from the surrounding community and city, including feedback and guide decisions related to the design, construction and implementation of the Van Ness BRT. The issues, goals, and concerns relating to the surrounding community will be taken into consideration within the context of supporting this important project.”

Go to the SFMTA site to find out more about Van Ness BRT. Help shape what promises to be a big improvement for transit in San Francisco by applying for the advisory CAC here.


  • Sfparkripoff

    Closing off auto lanes to cars will be an EPIC FAIL on Vaness. If you look around the city at the other half baked transit Bly lanes you will see that their construction is not worth the expense. The Church street example is a massive fail. Most of the time the busses are in the regular “traffic” lane, taking forever to fill, and so the traffic (cars, trucks, cyclists) backs way up while the “red” lane sits empty.

    The SFMTA will continue to be an abysmal failure until it recognizes and changes its stance that they exist to serve the needs of all modes of transportation. The transit-first policy has become only a poor excuse to tax and gouge anyone driving motor vehicles. Motorists would appreciate the SFMTA more if they actually did something to facilitate smoother traffic flow instead of moving in conflicting directions with road diets, traffic calming, street scape projects and half baked transit only lanes”.

    Whats the solution? CUT OFF THEIR MONEY! VOTE NO for an increase in the vehicle license fee. VOTE NO on any new BOND measures. VOTE NO on Supervisors who parrot “transit first”.

    Calling all citizens of San Francisco! SF Taxi Drivers, Interfaith Community, Save Polk Street, Save Masonic, Eastern Neighborhoods United Front, Save Muni, No North Beach Dig, SFAuto Dealers, The Coalition of Aging and Disabled Motorists, Latino Democrats, Coalition of San Francisco Neighborhoods, North Beach Merchants, and Coalition of San Francisco Neighborhoods, No Wall on the Waterfront and District 5 Diary.

    Lets make NOVEMBER WATERLOO for the parasites at the SFMTA! Now get out there and spread the word.

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