Ghost of Muni’s 4-Sutter spotted


Just last week, we told you about a Muni bus that was sighted before the route itself officially went online. Today, friend of Muni Diaries Cara alerted us to this otherworldly sighting of a honest-to-goodness 4-Sutter bus. The 4-Sutter line was discontinued in 2009 along with several other Muni routes.

Here’s what Cara had to say: “Hey #sf @sfmta_muni geeks – look what was following my 3-Jackson up Sutter!”

It’s settled: I didn’t really believe in ghosts until this.


  • Henry

    Actually, there’s an obscure rule that requires trolley coaches to always be in service whenever these buses are not out in the yard. In other words, these buses must board passengers whenever they are *not* in the yard. Hence the 4-Sutter designation, as Sutter is a general pull-in route (buses going home), usually for the 30-Stockton.

  • Dexter Wong

    For over 50 years the 4 Sutter line has existed as a pull-in (bus going out of service) for trolley coaches based at Presidio Yard. If you read the description in many Muni maps it says, “From Sutter and Market to Presidio Ave.” No mention of a return trip because 4 buses go only in one direction to Presidio.

  • Mark

    I just saw two of them on Sutter, is Muni bringing them back?

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