Speak your mind about Muni safety at City Hall next Monday

SF City Hall
Photo by Flickr user ekai

Supervisor Bevan Dufty will be holding a hearing on Muni safety and the SFPD’s involvement therein next Monday. Dufty’s office is looking for stories from real people (i.e., you) — the positive stories along with “my iPhone got snagged” and whatnot.

We applaud the effort to clampdown on crime aboard Muni vehicles. But these public officials cannot do this effectively without our help. If you’ve witnessed or been victim to a crime on Muni, and you can do it, go the meeting and let the police and our elected officials know about your experience. If you’re annoyed by the police presence on Muni (and we know you’re out there), go, too. All voices are encouraged to speak up.

After all, it’s partially up to us to make Muni a safer environment, right?

Here’s some press-releasy notes from Dufty’s office:

The hearing will take place at the City Operation and Neighborhood Services (CONS) Committee on Monday, November 23rd at 11:00 in room 250 of City Hall.

Supervisor Dufty’s office is seeking to hear from Muni riders who have experienced crime or who have witnessed crime to testify at the hearing. It is crucial that representatives from Muni and the San Francisco Police Department hear from Muni riders about their experience riding public transit.

Please contact Boe Hayward of Supervisor Dufty’s office (boe.hayward@sfgov.org) if you would like to help improve the safety on Muni and ensure that the Bus Inspection Program is implemented and continues.

[Bus Inspection Program]
Sponsor: Dufty
Hearing to get a status update from the Municipal Transportation Agency and San Francisco Police Department on the Bus Inspection Program which will focus on the
ongoing Bus Inspection Program trial program that has been implemented at several police stations in San Francisco and how the TransLink card has been used.

We wish we could give away prizes for participation. Maybe a healthier, safer Muni is the prize?


  • perhaps this is the perfect time and place for me to propose my “no kids on Muni means a safer Muni” initiative.

    i think it needs a snazzier title, though. maybe the seemingly innocuous captcha phrase “monaural herron” that i had to type to submit this post?

  • A public meeting at 11am on a workday? I hope they don’t expect a good cross section of the Muni ridership to show up. 🙁

    If they really want to hear from the Muni riders, they should hold a couple of evening meetings.

    • Sarah, you’re absolutely right. Pretty sure they’ll be reading comments here. Just in case, I’ll make sure to point out suggestions such as yours. Thanks!

  • Boe Hayward

    Sarah B.

    Thanks for the comment regarding the timing of the hearing.

    Supervisor Dufty will ask for any members of the public that have dealt with violence on Muni in any capacity to speak first so that they are not stuck at the hearing for hours.

    We are hopeful that people will attend the hearing and share their stories about Muni safety.

    Boe Hayward
    Aide to Supervisor Dufty

  • Erik

    Someone needs to do a study on the effect on government and policy of public hearings that happen in the middle of a work day. I’m pretty sure the elderly and unemployed are making all the decisions for us.

  • Erik


    Maybe this woman can take the day off from work to attend.

  • FYI I emailed Boe Hayward, aide to Supervisor Dufty, about the time of the above meeting being inconvenient for most MUNI riders. The aide said that I could make an appointment to talk in person to the supervisor at another date and time. I’m going to do that actually. Perhaps others would like to do the same.

  • Henry Larry

    I will be there to share my perspective on Muni safety. Collaborative efforts between riders officials and law enforcement are crucial for a safer public transit experience.
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