Mr. Eric Sir’s idea about Nat Ford’s severance
Local internet wunderdude, Mr. Eric Sir, has a right splendid idea for how Nat Ford’s now-approved $384,000 severance package should be paid out. Read more at Mr. Eric Sir’s site.
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Local internet wunderdude, Mr. Eric Sir, has a right splendid idea for how Nat Ford’s now-approved $384,000 severance package should be paid out. Read more at Mr. Eric Sir’s site.
Simply putting Clipper in charge of the payout in any form might do. “3 to 5 days to take effect, sir. No, it’s your fault that we can’t charge credit cards properly. No, sir, it’s your fault that by ‘3 to 5 days’ we actually mean ‘several weeks.’ You can find all that on our website, sir,, just as soon as it comes back up.”
Awesome, just awesome! Love the idea!
Brilliant!!! and make it the senior version w/ his pic on it.