Needles on Muni for the Holiday Season
Photo: Telstar Logistics
Not those needles.
Ever since @sabrinabot tweeted this:
for some, red cups signify the start of holiday season. for me it’s knitters on the muni. saw two today, the holidays can begin!
…we’ve seen our fair share of them, too. With less than two weeks to go, I expect to see even more commuting elves working on handmade projects.
Since we do live in Scarf City, Fogland USA, knitting is a popular transit pastime year-round. Just ask Hooked on Muni (great name), every mischievous devil on International Yarn Bombing Day, and the good citizen who knitted coozies for the shelter seats, pictured above.
How’s your handmade holiday project going? Send us your knitted-on-Muni creations or your pics of the knitting elves. Spin your yarn (HAHA) to
I used to work on crochet projects while riding the 28 ballpark express out to the ‘Stick. When I moved to Vallejo the venue simply changed to the ferry.