What’s Going on Here, Muni? Metro train color explosion
It’s the latest edition of What’s Going on Here, Muni? No, really, what is the meaning of all these … colors, all hella clashing and shit? A way to distract riders from their phones?
Via Muni rider Jun.
What in the world? I like the clash of colors. It puts a smile on my face. Better than the boring gray color.
What is this? A bold contrast to the staid gray and red exterior?
It’s San Francisco so of course it’s FABULOUS!! ;^}
It is a inside windows surface advertisement http://www.microsoft.com/surface/en-us/products/surface …. makes the inside nice, bright, and cheery 🙂
I was on one of these trains last weekend. As said above it’s a Windows advertisement. It was a cool surprise walking into this train. I greatly prefer it over the adds that cover the complete outside of the trains.