The Muni redesigns, they will not stop


Not that they should stop, but we’ve reached critical mass here.

Eric Stamps of Eric Stamps New Media has taken it upon himself to reinvent Muni’s design scheme. Unlike Derek, who started out by merely tweaking the Muni worm, Eric scrapped the popular Muni logo and started from scratch, more or less. Have a look:


Eric didn’t go as far as redesigning Muni operators’ uniforms like Derek did. But he did come up with some sleek, future-retro transfers.


All right, you know the drill. Let us and Eric know what you think of his handiwork in the comments.


  • Christopher D. Lewis via Facebook

    Afraid not. Snake logo is too iconic.

  • Johnnoslav Johnvic via Facebook


  • sorry, i’m not into it either…i actually love the current paper bus transfers too.

  • Looks like a fork. Might be a good logo for a salad joint, but not for public transit.

  • salsaman

    The thin bits on the bottom right are out of scale with the letters.

    The worm is hard to beat, I agree with Zack’s concise comment.

  • Floyd

    How is this even a story? These designs are horribly amateur. If I spend 30 minutes in word and send you new “designs,” can I get a story on muni diaries too?

    The typography is mundane. The “i” is too close to the “n” and it looks muddy. Easily could be read as “MUN.” What’s with the tail/fork/flag? Why is it there? Its only consistency is that it’s inconsistently used. Makes “MUN” even more difficult to read. And forest green? How is that San Francisco? How is that iconic? Ok, SF has green street cars and once had green buses and many of the buses are eco now. That’s not what you make your entire design decision around.

    If anything the green and the fork remind me of Seattle and the Space Needle.

    You show your research, but I don’t see any of it applied to the final design.

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