Surprising no one, Japanese porn star transit cards are a hit

Courtesy Washington Post/Matt Yu/Reuters
It seems sex and controversy — well, duh — are very effective for selling transit cards.
Earlier this month, according to an Associated Press article, Taiwan’s EasyCard Corp. quickly sold out a special edition swipe card featuring photos of Japanese porn star Yui Hatano. Hatano is said to be a big fan of Taiwan and the images on the cards are of her clothed. Nonetheless, the company sold out of its stock of 15,000 cards within about four hours on Sept. 1.
As expected, not everyone was happy with the EasyCard’s celebrity selection. According to the article, parents, politicians, and women’s groups were among those outraged and said using Hatano’s photo was disrespectful to women. Many stores refused to sell them.
Anything to get people out of their cars, I guess?? It does beg the question though: Whose face (or body) would you like to see on your Clipper Card?