Muni Book-Spotting Gem: The Princess Bride

Photo by blarfiejandro

100 Muni StoriesRemember books? We do. So do a lot of people who ride Muni all around San Francisco. @azurelunatic spotted one recently reading a particular book that caught her eye.

‪#sfmuni‬ Just spotted someone reading The Princess Bride. Yay!

What books have you seen people reading on Muni? Let us know, and also check out Between the Lines, a site devoted to this very topic.

When the Lights … Go Out … in Muni

Photo by juicyrai

100 Muni StoriesI remember the first time the lights went out for me. It was on an NYC subway, and I was pretty sure mayhem would follow. But my experience, and every time it’s happened since, was a lot like @sosaysjonathan‘s.

Yep. Strange, but nice.

*Sorry about that title up there. Couldn’t help myself. Heh.

Audio: Singing Muni Driver Serenades 27-Bryant Passengers

We’ve heard about him for years. Here’s some audio from the 71-Haight/Noriega that we posted via Tenderloin Geographic Society back in early 2011.

Then, last week, @funtobehad told us she heard the singing Muni driver on the 27-Bryant crooning away. She sent the video above. Anyone know the story on this guy? He gets radness points for saying the transfer lines.

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