Video: ChrisO tells of a chance encounter on Muni

ChrisO is a musician and hair stylist at Honeycomb Salon in Noe Valley who has an impressive record collection. He regaled the Muni Diaries Live crowd a few weeks ago with a story of running into someone he knew from a past life on the bus, and you’ll have to watch the video to see what he found out.

“I was taking the 19-Polk bus for the first time. In 2003, the buses that were used for the 19 line were the most florescent light-flickering, brownish yellowy interior-having, murdery buses in the whole city. They just looked like you were gonna die on them. We all get on the bus and I notice there is this guy staring at me. I thought: Is this like a “Cruising me to have sex thing, or pretending to cruise me to have sex thing so you can kill me?”

Do you have a Muni story of your own or know someone who can spin a great tale? Email us and pitch your story at!

What you missed at Muni Diaries Live


What happens when you pack the Elbo Room with Muni riders who love nothing more than a good story? Amazing tales, a new spin on bingo, and an only-in-San Francisco burlesque act that put old paper Fast Passes to very good use. At our 15th show, we were still floored by the enthusiasm and support of everyone who came to Muni Diaries Live, especially our storytellers who really dug deep into their San Francisco experience to share stories that are both funny and vulnerable, and serve as excellent reminders of why public transit is an important part of any urban existence.

We kicked off the show with Muni Diaries Live alum Jesse James, whose friends are constantly amazed at his endless supply of Muni tales.

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Video: Jerry Lee Abram tells us stories about the best Muni stop

At Muni Diaries Live in October, Jerry Lee Abram shared tales of days past, when Muni shelters were domed and … and just worked, you know? One Dyke March, Jerry and his friends climbed up on one said shelter and took it all in. Watch the video above to get that double-entendre.

Twice a year, we bring your uncanny tales to the stage at Muni Diaries Live at the Elbo Room. We’re pleased to announce that Elbo Room recently renewed its lease through January 2018. We all breathed sighs of relief upon hearing that news. The next Muni Diaries Live will be in spring 2016. We’ll announce the date as soon as we’ve booked it.

Featured image by brunosuras

Video: Satellite High puts their love of Muni to music

We found Satellite High this June totally by chance. It wasn’t Christmas Day, but it might’ve well have been for Muni nerds like us. “WHAT? A whole album of hip-hop songs about Muni? YES, PLS.”

We were so happy that Jay, Casey, and Vern were available to perform some tracks off said “album about Muni” at Muni Diaries Live in October. Check out the video above for tracks such as “The Bus Is Late,” “I’m on the Bus,” and crowd favorite “A Girl Who Likes Buses, Too.”

Featured photo by Thomas Hawk

Video: Kristee Ono witnesses perfection on a Muni Metro

At Muni Diaries Live in October, Kristee Ono told the story of how she ended up on Muni Metro partly by chance, partly by necessity one night years ago. As bars closed and the train filled with drunk passengers, what began as your everyday judging of fellow public transit riders took a strange, beautiful turn that even Kristee could be in awe of.

Secrets to life in San Francisco, as heard at Muni Diaries Live


What can happen on one bus ride to really change your life in San Francisco? Last Saturday, our Muni Diaries Live storytellers told the standing room-only crowd at the Elbo Room all about the surprising interactions on Muni that can change you in small and big ways.

We started the show with Gabe Armstrong (above), who stepped out of the sound booth (he is the audio engineer at the Elbo Room) to tell his own Muni story on stage. Riding public transit can really change your perspective of what you should and shouldn’t be afraid of in life, Gabe says. And how did he learn this? By hauling the remainder of his B2B vehicle on Muni while under the influence of jello shots, of course.
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