Wear Your Muni Love: Muni-Inspired Shirts and Other Goodies (updates)


Update: (Sept. 1, 2009. 10:30 a.m.) Since we first published this post, we’ve received a few more juicy bits of Muni merchandise.

First, as seen at SF Zine Fest, PunkPunk is selling FastPass buttons and pins (above).

At $5 a pop, get ’em while they’re available. I’ll have a set of 12, please.

Then, niffx on Zazzle informed of these totally rad Muni curvy-logo shirts (perhaps the source of many people’s misguided belief that Muni is an all-cap acronym?):


These shirts are $22.75, so save your pennies and help these artists out. You’ll look good doing it, if we do say so ourselves 😉

Original post:
walter konig muni shirts
Muni Shirts by Walter Konig

The phrase “economic stimulus package” always makes me feel a little inappropriate. But say you have some extra cash to, er, help the economy — we’ve found some great Muni stuff for you to spend it on.

Muni Shirts by Walter Konig (of Walnotes) are based on a design that was sold in New York a few years ago. “When I saw them I wondered why they didn’t have them for San Francisco. So I sat in Cafe Abir and designed them. I used a Muni Map to figure out locations along the way,” Walter told us.

The shirts come in a variety of colors, many of them printed on American Apparel tees.

Buy Muni Shirts by Walnotes here:

Brand Fury (780 Sutter St)
Artist X-Change (3169 16th near Guerrero)
SoMe (Haight, east of Masonic)
440 Brannan

Walter said that Lower Hater (597 Haight Street) will have them soon, too.

More shirts and other goodies after the jump, including a really awesome hoodie with an old-school Muni bus print and buttons made from old transfers.

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NYC Shuts Down Muni T-Shirt Maker in a Major WTF

San Francisco MUNI Satire
Photo by Flickr user joe.moore

You might’ve noticed a nice little Muni merchandise post Eugenia did for us the other day. I liked it. I like seeing creative people do their creative stuff and possibly make a little bit of moolah off it. I also like poking fun at things like struggling public transportation agencies. Sometimes, the two go well together.

Like in the case of the 40withegg blogger. This guy made a set of shirts with the letter logos of Muni’s Metro trains, substituting words like “Judah” or “Church” with words that match the route’s letter, like “T-ardy,” and mocked Muni. (see image, above.) Good, clean fun, right?

Not according to CafePress, where 40withegg meant to sell some shirts. Before he closed a single deal, CafePress took his wares down, citing a cease-and-desist letter it received from … New York City’s Metropolitan Transportation Agency.

New York City? WTF, indeed! Is this a case of transcontinental, inter-agency FAIL?

In case you were curious, here is what the New York subway route bullets look like:

NYC: Subway Station

Our Muni route bullets look like this:
New Outbound Sign, Embarcadero Station

Again, WTF?

Thx: Plug1 for story tip

BART strike most likely announced shortly (updates)

the genius of BART
Photo by Flickr user troutfactory

Update (4:36 p.m.): Transbay Blog again, this time with TransLink tips during the strike.

Update (4:15 p.m.): Transbay Blog lists some ways to get across the Bay.

Update (4:12 p.m.): From StreetsblogSF: [ATU leader Jesse] Hunt announces strike effective Sunday evening at close of business. Also: Reporter asks: Will there be talks this weekend? Hunt: Clearly, they’ve decided they’re cutting off negotiations.

Original post: Too bad, so sad for riders and the two unions who voted in favor of the new contract. That’s not to say shame on ATU for what will most likely be a strike. Just too bad it didn’t all get worked out. We’ll do our best to keep you updated. Meantime, follow @streetsblogsf on Twitter for a probably kick-ass live tweeting of the press conference at 4 p.m. You can also try CBS 5’s live stream here.

tales of the 49, part 2

The two main buses running down Van Ness have a certain je ne sais quoi. Actually, scratch that, I do know what it is: they can’t run properly (i.e., on time) because that street is a horrible place to attempt a move from Point A to Point B.

6:19 p.m.: Time I step on a 49-Van Ness, heading toward the Mission.

7:11 p.m.: Time I step off the same bus and start walking to Jeff’s house.

Summary: I was on the same bus for 52 minutes, mostly on Van Ness, as it crawled along at an infuriating snail’s pace, to go a total of 3.3 miles. To put it in perspective, the 2.2-mile, straight-line leg from North Point and Van Ness to Mission and Van Ness took 40 minutes; 511 Trip Planner says that same leg should take about 24 minutes.

Crappy service on Van Ness is one Muni meltdown that usually isn’t the agency’s fault. Yesterday was especially not its fault, thanks to a brush fire on Yerba Buena Island that snarled traffic on the Bay Bridge and on the Van Ness approach to the freeway. Still, I think we can all agree that it really sucks to be on a bus for an hour.

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about us

Our mission Together, we’re writing our collective love letter to the city we call home. In 2008, a ragtag group of Muni riders started a blog about the funny, sweet, but often weird and gross stuff happening on the bus. More than 4,000 people submitted stories to Muni Diaries about bizarre yet wonderful encounters between strangers. One thing was clear: […]

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