We’re getting a new bus route, you guys! And it will (temporarily) honor San Francisco Giants fan-favorite Tim Lincecum (reference)!
According to SFMTA, the 55-16th St. motor coach route will ferry riders from the BART 16th Street Station to that up-and-coming neighborhood called Mission Bay. From the SFMTA agenda (PDF) on the new route:
“However, after extensive evaluation, SFMTA confirmed that the overhead wire work associatedwith the proposed 22 Fillmore extension, which involves the construction of new overhead wiring on 16th Street and in the vicinity of Mission Bay and a solution for crossing the Caltrain right-ofwaywith new overhead wiring at 16th and Mississippi Streets, would take several years to complete and could not be implemented by the anticipated opening date for the new UCSF BenioffChildren’s Hospital at Mission Bay on February 1, 2015. Therefore, the 55 16th Street motor coach service, which can be started quickly and provide service to Mission Bay upon the opening of the new hospital, is being proposed for implementation. The 22 Fillmore extension however, still represents Muni Forward’s long-term plan for the 16th Street corridor, and is planned for implementation in approximately five years.
“As an interim phase, the proposed 55 16th Street will travel between 16th Street Mission BART to Mission Bay primarily via 16th Street and serve all 22 Fillmore bus stops between Mission Street and Vermont Street in addition to the newly designated bus stops staff is seeking approval for located east of Vermont Street.”
The proposed new route is up for a vote at the SFMTA Board of Directors next Tuesday. If approved, the 55-16th St. bus will begin service on Jan. 31, 2015. Find a list of planned bus stops along the new route here.