Thank you, friendly 23 driver, from awkward bike girl

Bikes On The Bus
Photo by Flickr user Pete Boyd

I just got my first ‘grown-up’ bike this week! In preparation for loading it on the bus, I watched a YouTube video on how to use the bike rack on Muni. I was set!

That is, until I didn’t place the hook over the wheel properly. Bumping over the St. Francis hills on Monterey boulevard, my bike almost fell off the rack. Thankfully, the driver stopped in time, and was really friendly and patient while I fought with the rusty wheel hook and put it properly in place.

I was so embarrassed, but the driver was so nice and encouraging, I felt a lot better about it.

I ended up on his bus on the way home a few hours later, and he told me to take my time to get it right this time around. I thanked him, but forgot to ask his name.

So, again, thanks friendly driver with the Muni beanie on the 23 route between 6:00 and 11:00pm on May 20, 2010. You made my evening!

– Laurel, the awkward bike girl

One comment

  • I’ve done it once, but it freaked me out. And then was followed by the boarding of shame: an entire bus full of pissed-off passengers slicing me wide open with their laser-stares. From that day forward, I’ve sworn I’ll never attempt to get my bike onto those racks again. If only I’d had the help of this mighty kind driver like you did. Cheers to nice Muni drivers!

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