Doesn’t It Just Figure?

So I was riding the J-Church on Friday to my chiropractor’s office and there was an empty seat next to mine. I was listening to something on my iPod — heavy metal probably — at some incredibly loud volume, as I am wont to do.

A family got on, and their son, who I’m guessing was about 10-12, sat down next to me. He turned toward me and I figured he was just looking out the window. But then I realized he had opened his mouth.

I pulled out my earbuds and said, “Sorry, what?”

“Hello!” he said. He was adorable — blond, blue-eyed, pint-sized glasses, dressed casually.

“Hi,” I said, in a genuinely friendly way, and then went back to my introspective rocking out.

About two seconds later, I thought to myself: Doesn’t it just figure, the first time a cute boy says hello to me on the train, he’s prepubescent?

And then he got up and went to sit somewhere else. Hmph.

— Beth W.

Beth loves the J-Church, hates being hit on by strangers, and yet secretly wonders why it never happens to her.

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