Meanwhile, on @munidiaries

Photo by @amber_kit

The @munidiaries Twitter feed runneth over with the ins and outs of your daily commute. Blink and you might miss @amber_kit‘s picture of a man who brought his own seating on the bus (above). In case you aren’t a Twitter fiend like we and @munidiaries‘ 3300+ followers are, we’ve picked out this week’s best tweets.

Meanwhile, on @munidiaries:

@bryceyadolphson: If the hipster with the open mouth coffee mug spills on me… its gonna be Battle: SF.

@rockbandit: Homeless dude on Muni now giving tickets to women for “being too pretty.”

@ladue: Last night on the 22 bus, a crazy woman got on and proceeded to take up the entire front row of seats with her teddy bears. #muni

@lifebeginsat30#Muni driver just cutely picked me up in the middle of the block. He: “You looked at me, you smiled, I had to give in.”

@andreaprete: Forgot my crochet stuff so today on Muni I’m gonna imagine who on the train can wear a bow tie w/o looking like a tool.

Follow us on Twitter and tweet your Muni ride to @munidiaries. Your tweet might end up here next week!

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