Muni driver inspires Peninsula church

Photo by Montauk Beach

The driver-rider relationship is a strained one in these parts. While we (and you, judging by your tweets @munidiaries) would agree that there are some pieces of work out there, let’s not forget about the good eggs in this basket.

Linda Wilson-Allen, a driver on the 45-Union/Stockton line, is one such egg. In a San Francisco Chronicle feature last month, she said she treats her job like ministry. Soon thereafter, she was called upon by Menlo Park Presbyterian Church to share some inspirational words for its congregation. Read more in The Gospel Herald Ministries.

Whichever spaghetti monster floats your boat, I think we can all agree that her attitude probably results in way happier passengers than average.

We have a couple other favorites here on Muni Diaries. There was Tammy, the Muni driver who threw a party for her passengers on the 33. And let’s not forget the Muni driver who sings the names of the stops. We’re sure there are more unsung heroes out there, so send them our way so they can get the props they deserve.

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