Show at Blackbird Bar features Muni art

Sunset Train 54x24 for muni diaries

How would you like to drink some yummy housemade cocktails and look at fresh San Francisco art? Muni Diaries friend Nate1 (who designed our fav T-shirts) is having an art opening at Blackbird bar on Saturday. Hosted by Secession Art and Design, the new show is called Stay Awhile:

Motion and typography create a world that is electric. Splashes of spray paint purposefully pixelate a Bay Area landscape. The warmer days of summer make the evening cocktails sparkle. Nate 1 has developed a new style with a nod to old-school San Francisco graffiti that paints a city in motion having a beautiful time. Drinks, please!

Celebrate and meet Nate 1 at the opening party Saturday. All art is available for purchase online too at the Secession online store.

Stay Awhile, art opening at Blackbird Bar
Saturday, June 7, 2014, 6 p.m.
2124 Market St
Take Muni there: Church Street Station, or take 22 or 37 lines.

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