Head-scratching things overheard on Muni
Photo by Lynn Friedman
It’s not just smells, anger, and despair. Muni is also a roving audio laboratory, much to the delight and chagrin of us all.
These fellow Muni riders clued us in some things they overheard on Muni this week:
- OH on Muni: “My cheek is sweating up my cellphone screen”
- [on the J] Guy on phone: Yes but he’s vegan and I’m not very vegan-friendly.
- Overheard at the #Muni stop: THIS IS THE LIVING WAGE!
- OH: and he was programming on a go cart-he’s that badass, oh and he has a masters too. never forgetting headphones again
All righty then.
This week’s Things on Muni is brought to you by @larrybobsf, @OHinSFbyGrace, @jessicatzz, and @BrittNuffsaid.