BART in western San Francisco? The dream inches closer to reality

Photo by BART via Streetsblog SF

What’s on your BART wish list? Late-night trains? Half-check. A second Transbay Tube? Extension to the western neighborhoods of San Francisco? Embryonic checks. Flying BART cars? Wake up! You’re dreaming.

Streetsblog SF reports that BART plans to study the effects of adding a second Transbay Tube and service to the other half of the city.

Ellen Smith, BART’s acting manager for strategic and policy planning, recently told a SF County Transportation Authority Board committee (comprised of SF supervisors) that regional transportation agencies plan to fund a study of a subway connecting the South of Market area to Alameda, with a possible extension west underneath the Market Street subway, towards the Richmond and Sunset Districts.

OMG! But don’t get yer hopes up for this new-look BART system to happen anytime soon. “‘We could be talking decades,’ Smith said. Building a new underwater tube is ‘clearly a massive investment and undertaking, technically, operationally, financially, and politically.'”

Read the whole post on Streetsblog SF. Then contemplate the effect this extension would have on the Mario BART map.

Previously: Visualizing BART to Marin (and Napa and Sonoma)

A case against umbrellas, on Muni and other places

Artist Dan Bransfield created this adorable animated short about why umbrellas are terrible: they poke you in the eye, drip water on your shoes, and always seem to get left behind. Muni even makes a cameo in the animated short film about why umbrellas are especially terrible on the bus. Dan also shows off his own rain-proof solution.

By the way, Dan makes another amusing print about San Francisco’s ever-so-fickle weather. Will somebody get me this print and a waterproof hoodie, please?

Transit News: Geary transit signals, Van Ness BRT, BART to San Jose, subway funding

Photo by Daniel Hoherd

  • New devices on Geary stoplights: No, you’re not being watched (Richmond Blog)
  • Concerns raised over BRT lanes on Van Ness Avenue (ABC 7)
  • BART line to San Jose lurching into view, in fits and starts (SFGate)
  • Controller says Central Subway on track — both budget and completion (SFGate)
  • Caltrans approves $82M Central Subway Light Rail Project (SF Appeal)

New homelessness awareness ads go up on Muni

Photo by Lynn Friedman

A new ad campaign designed to break stereotypes of homeless people is scheduled to go up on Muni buses and BART stations starting today, according to SFGate. The ad campaign was commissioned by the Coalition on Homelessness, and shows “clean, normally dressed, pleasant looking people who are homeless,” the SFGate post says.


The ads also include facts like “Most homeless S.F. residents were residents before they were homeless.” (According to the most recent homeless count, 61 percent of homeless people in the city were living in San Francisco when they became homeless.)

Another ad shows a mother holding a little girl with the line, “There are enough homeless children in San Francisco to fill 35 Muni buses.” (The school district estimates there are 2,100 homeless kids in the city’s public schools.)

“We want people to see pictures of people who are homeless and think, ‘Gee, that’s weird. They don’t look homeless to me,’” [Matthew] Gerring[, a coalition staffer] said. “We’re attempting to catch people off guard by getting at their heartstrings, which is how you change people’s minds.”

The ads will be up for about a month. Let us know if you see one and it causes you to rethink your attitudes toward the homeless in our city.

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