When Muni makes us happy


Whether it’s animals, on-time buses, good music, or people flying their freak flags, it *is* possible for Muni to bring smiles to our faces.

  • First bus arrived in one minute. Transfer bus in three minutes. I’m rocking #Muni on a Sunday schedule.
  • Everyone was arguing on this #SFMuni train when suddenly a guy got on with an Iguana and everyone got happy again.
  • Young man carrying the bottom half of a female mannequin on Muni #wtf #noneedtoknow
  • Op! Go Your Own Way comes thru on the Fleetwood Mac shuffle! Head-bop has been deployed. #bopping #SFMuni
  • He smiled. I smiled. He got off, I kept going. 🚌 #sfmuni

This week’s Things on Muni is brought to you by fellow Muni riders @cynthia_says, @salmattos, @laurakayw, @louisemccune, and @anajulia94. Pitch in today over at the Muni Diaries Twitter feed.

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