Iguana on Muni thinks he’s a cat


My insider knowledge tells me that this is how all cat ladies wake up in the morning, with their felines on their head. I had no idea iguanas behave the same way.

This iguana hitched a ride all the way from its house onto Muni, and both the iguana and his owner seemed extremely relaxed about it. I can’t be sure that this is Charlie, or Charlie’s cousin, who is not to be confused with Skippy, the iguana of Wall Street Journal fame. But his athleticism is none the less impressive.

More of the Muni zoo this way, everybody.

Photo by @snacks_in_the_grass

Parrot’s First Solo Muni Ride?

white parrot muni

New important word in parrot vocabulary: “Back door!”

This parrot is riding Muni backwards like a total pro. We don’t see the parrot’s human companion nearby, and judging from the confident stare on the bird’s face, he’s got this whole urban transit thing down. Thanks to @audlaq for getting a photo of this intrepid Muni rider.

Oh, by the way, here’s another parrot (the same parrot? Its cousin or twin?) riding the LRV in a sporty little vest, and then again in a fashionable casual sweater.

Can’t get enough? Here’s the whole Muni zoo!

Found: The Most Cold-Blooded Muni Rider Ever

lizard charlie

This Muni passenger is named Charlie, not to be confused with Skippy the Iguana, who was previously profiled alongside the fancy people in The Wall Street Journal. Charlie is also not to be confused with that slimy “Could switching to GEICO really save you 15% or more on car insurance?” gecko.

Muni rider Ramona snapped this photo of Charlie chillin’ in the back of the 6-Parnassus. I dig his icy glaze and no-fucks-given attitude. I only hope he will forgive the number of terrible puns I couldn’t resist making at his expense.

Want more Muni portraits of the non-humanoid variety? We’ve got more cuties on Muni this way.

Psst, don’t keep your witty transit-inspired updates to just you and your Facebook friends. Tag us @munidiaries!

Spotted on Muni: The World’s Most Famous Dog

Photo by pawshbb

No, it’s not Lassie. Doesn’t this Muni passenger look just like Boo, the world’s cutest dog? Sidenote: I heard a story at Porchlight from Boo’s literary agent (that’s right) about the time when she took Boo and Boo’s mom, I mean, owner, to an appearance on Good Morning America. He sounded like quite the charmer.

We’ve got more animals on Muni over here for your Monday morning.

Pedro and his first Muni ride


This is my little friend, Pedro, perhaps the most inspiring reason yet to take Muni. You know how everyone says, “Fuck Muni forever, I’m driving?” He says the opposite. Though no fan of a moving car (even when it’s headed to the dog park), he loves him some Metro.

I, for one, am motivated to put car keys away for a while. If he can do it, we can do it.

Zoo Animals Take Over the Subway

giraff on subway thomas subtil
Photo by Thomas Subtil

Blink again, is that a giraffe trying to squeeze into BART there? Photographers Thomas Subtil and Clarisse Rebotier have imagined what the Paris metro would look like if zoo animals took it over.

In their photo series, a lion passes through the turnstile, another giraffe cranes its neck to see the view from the train, and an elephant gracefully rides the subway with a tiny bird on its back. You can see all the photos in the gallery here.

lion on subway thomas subtil

Another favorite:

deers on subway thomas subtil

Prefer real animals? Browse through our Animals on Muni page – some seem more surreal than others.

Via Mashable.

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