BART Back in the Day


Zennie Abraham of The Blog Report With Zennie62 found this old photo of himself and his friend Lars on the then-new BART back in 1975. He ventured that he and his young friend might be going to San Francisco for the sole purpose of riding the brand-new underground tube.

From his post on SFGate:

BART was new then.  It opened in 1972 and transbay service (under the San Francisco Bay from Oakland to San Francisco) started in 1974.  What was neat about BART at that time was everything was automatic: the doors opened and the train didn’t even have the human operators that are in each one today; it was supposed to be ran by computer. As I recall, the problems didn’t start mounting up until 1976.  But even with that it was a smooth almost soundless ride; the tracks have worn so much that such an experience is a thing of the past.

Ah, old school BART. I love that these kids were stylin’ big time.