A reminder of rainy day dos and don’ts on Muni

The weather forecast calls for three more days of rain, which could mean 72 more hours of improper umbrella use on Muni. Let’s review some important rainy-day etiquette: umbrellas are still best used outdoors rather than deployed inside the bus to deter people from sitting next to you, as in the above photo from Aaron on Twitter.
Fewer people than we thought got the memo…

Once you do board with your brolly, remember to keep it folded up, no matter how outdoorsy it might be.

There is, however, one acceptable circumstance for an indoor umbrella on Muni…
Tfw it’s raining so hard outside it’s actually raining inside your @sfmta_muni bus 😐😐😐😐 pic.twitter.com/y0K18cjHwv
— Josh Wilburne 💩 (@joshwilburne) January 19, 2017
An occasional necessity around here, umbrellas are such a hassle—see this compelling case against them. My recommendation? Forgo those pesky nylon menaces and just wear a proper raincoat instead.

Got other rainy day pet peeves or tips? Our inbox is open for your suggestions! Email us at muni.diaries.sf@gmail.com or tag us @munidiaries on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.