Eugenia Chien has been eavesdropping on the 47, 49, or 1 lines since the mid-90's. She lives by the adage, "Anything can happen on Muni" (and also, "That's not water.")

Weekend Photos: Will there be a Muni next Monday?

The Ghost of Muni Past
Photo by Flickr user Johnny Grim

Oh, man, oh, man. It sure was a nasty week for our beloved despised Muni system. It culminated with this morning’s total Muni breakdown and concurrent MTA board budget meeting. Ironic, eh?

Here are some other headlines from this grim week:

(it’s been such a nutty week, please let us know what stories we missed here or simply forgot about)

Looking ahead, you’ll have yet some more chances to give MTA your $0.02, at upcoming Feb. 6 and 9 town halls. Sharpen those pitchforks, people!

Seriously, though, have a great weekend! See you Monday.

P.S.: The photo at top was chosen for its symbolism given the current state of affairs for Muni. Please excuse our cynicism.

Photo by Stuart

Trust Me On This One
Photo by Troy Holden

Goodbye Transbay-Terminal
Photo by Flickr user GrimReynard

F Market Castro, westbound
Photo by Flickr user Sharon Hahn Darlin

Balloon Circus on the 49

A couple of days ago I posted about weird cargo on Muni, and Muni Diaries readers don’t disappoint! Commenters reported seeing a bed (headboard included), 8′ weather stripping, a sitar, and a walnut veneer speaker.

Today we received a short video clip from rider Mathieu, who spotted a lady carrying a whole zoo of balloon animals on the 49. Wonder where she’s going…

Thanks, Mathieu!

Got photos or videos of strange cargo or other happenings on the bus? You know where to send it.

Record Your Muni Trip on Your iPhone

We found via our Twitter feed that developer Aaron Tait has just made a new iPhone app called Muni Diary (unrelated, but we know a good name when we see one). You can use the app to record the lines you’ve been on and what happened on your bus ride.

Check out Muni Diary at the Apple App store! Link here. And if you’d like to write a review of this app for Muni Diaries, shoot us an email and let us know.

What’s the weirdest Muni cargo you’ve seen?

apparently, you can
Photo by Flickr user real plastic trees

I found this photo while trolling Flickr for more Muni-related pictures. Is that a surf board and a …black board?

A while back we received a submission from a rider who found a clever way to transport a ladder on Muni. On the 47 the other day I saw a man with a bearded dragon who tried to charge me a dollar to take a photo of it. We’ve see rats, parrots, and a giant spider passing as passengers on our commutes.

Spot any odd cargo on Muni lately? Let us know.

Weekend Photos: Rain-soaked (hopefully no more)

January, Week 3
Photo by Flickr user Troy Holden

This week in Muni news:

– Muni collision in West Portal last summer produces 57 claims (SF Examiner)

– Supervisor seeks Muni performance review (KCBS and StreetsBlog)

– MTA Budget meeting – commenters give an earful, and MTA prepares to chop more jobs

– Police find Muni crime difficult, one calls Muni a getaway car (Mission Loc@l)

– Van Ness transit boost moving forward (Examiner)

Bad weather brought in some great pictures by photogs in the Muni Flickr pool, so don’t forget to add yours to the mix. Enjoy these photos and your weekend!

Splash Mashin'
Photo by Flickr user Nick.Fisher

storm a comin'
Photo by Flickr user Lee Otis

Photo by Flickr user tkamenick

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