Muni Fails Miserably for Bay to Breakers

My own experience* aside, here’s a great analysis from the good folks at SFist of Muni’s utterly botched handling of yesterday’s street race in the city.

* So we didn’t make it quite to the ocean. More like Clayton and Fell, where we dropped off at a friend’s place to use the alternative bathroom (the Panhandle-turned-toilet was overrun with revelers).

After some much-needed rest and snacking, we headed over to Clayton and Fulton, where, we were promised by Next Bus, we’d be able to get an outbound 5-Fulton in five minutes. When we arrived at the stop, sure enough, we looked east and saw a bus at what we guessed was Masonic and Fulton. After a long day of drinking and walking, it was like seeing an oasis in the desert.

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Seat Graffiti Glue

File under WTF …

Saw the gem above on my first ride on the 31, from middle Richmond to Third and Market. Oh, and Google Maps said the trip would take 38 mins, but it turned out to be more like 50. It goes through the Tenderloin, after all.

Anyway, yes, there was glue-graffiti on some of the backseats. My impulse is to shake my head and say, “Kids.” But I was a kid not so long ago. Still, I can’t see what would possess someone to do this. You can read it even less clearly than most tagging.

Give Respect, Get Respect: Practice What You Preach

The first part of the title of this post comes from a new ad I saw on the back of a bus today:

I literally gasped. Year after year after year, and day after day after day, people are hit and killed by Muni while crossing the street. True — not all deaths and injuries are Muni’s fault. But in general, if you see a bus when you have a ‘Walk’ sign, look in all 360 degrees before walking. Doing so is a sign of self-respect.

I’m just baffled that the agency feels they need to educate the general public on safety issues. Why not run those banner ads inside the bus … say, in the front seat? Next to the driver.

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