From Muni rider Blake:
So I’ve seen cans, tall boys, 40’s, and even handles of booze on the bus before… but you hafta hand it to this guy for really steppin’ up the game. Yes, that’s two kegs, and yes, this was at 7 a.m. this morning. God bless San Francisco.
UPDATE: This came in from Blake later in the day Thursday:
I would have followed him off had his terrible stench not deterred me! This occurred on the 43 — outbound this morning. He was just hanging casually in the back when I got on at California and Presidio. I snapped the pic, sat down and was promptly drawn into my book. A few stops down the line a nasty funk crept up my nostrils and almost pushed my Clif bar back out the wrong way. I looked up and watched him lumber towards me, and then out the door at Haight and Masonic. Looks like the bum/punks had a great day!
What did you see on Muni today? Send us your pics at muni.diaries.sf@gmail.com.