Cute kid on Muni warms all of the cockles of all of the hearts


Muni rider Joe says, “The cutest Muni rider. Ever.”

This one’s up there, it’s true, Joe. But let’s not forget Batkid’s Muni-riding assistants, a patty-cake-worthy chatty Cathy on the 17, or raw, unfiltered exposure to San Francisco from the under-two perspective.

If that’s not incentive to raise your kids in the city, I’m not sure what is. Parents: Do you love Muni Live with your kids in tow, or do you hate it?

“Faggot” on the 38-Geary: A Love Story

muni 38 pride
Photo by torbakhopper

Muni rider Jesse James wore his Little Mermaid backpack on the 38-Geary. What followed his backpack was a story that we wish didn’t happen, but it did.

Lately I’ve been called a “faggot” with much more regularity than I appreciate. Having the f-bomb lobbed at you in San Francisco is the definition of unexpected. Like a sunny afternoon in August, it’s just not something you plan for as part of modern city living. And yet, it happens. To me it seems to happen with a frequency that is beginning to trouble me. In fact, it just happened the other day. On the bus. On a Wednesday.

The morning was chilly and damp and the 38-Geary was completely packed, as per its usual wants. To combat the elements, the driver had taken it upon herself to crank the heat up to its upper limits. When matched with the panting exhalations of the four to five thousand passengers crammed into the coach, a Floridian, sub tropic humidity enveloped us all and created an environ that left my brow sweaty at 9 a.m. I’d been on the 38-Geary for less than five minutes when I felt a gentle tug on the strap of my Little Mermaid backpack. Wondering why someone was touching me on the 38 this time, I turned slightly to see who was molesting my belongs only to find an adorable, child-sized little girl grasping to the dangly bits of my pack. Read more

Future Muni Geekout Session


Burrito Justice and Eric Fischer went underground, y’all. Way underground.

Mr. Justice posts about the tour of the Central Subway’s Mom Chung tunnel-boring machine. It’s scheduled to begin tunneling its way from SOMA to Chinatown this month.

Jealousy abounds.

Visit Burrito Justice for the full recap, including gratuitous GIFs! And check out the Central Subway blog for more information on the project.

Pictured above (by Burrito Justice): A cake of the tunnel-boring machine Mom Chung. What else?

Transit News: Sealegs bye-bye, Muni PA announcements, Central Subway billing

Photo by torbakhopper

  • BART’s monstrous macrame may bite the dust (SFGate)
  • Muni Metro announcements garbled (SF Chronicle)
  • Muni for today, Muni for tomorrow (Ed Reiskin editorial in SF Examiner)
  • Central Subway consultants overbill $336,000, including cakes, parking ticket (City Insider)
  • Judge strikes down portions of voter-approved S.F. transit labor bargaining measure (SF Examiner)
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