‘Poker Face’ Sing-Along on F-Market

Muni 1052 FW 2
Photo by Flickr user The Holy Hand Granade

100 Muni Stories“And baby when it’s love, if it’s not rough, it isn’t fun.” We flippin’ love it when random strangers start singing together on Muni.

This funny experience happened to me and a group of friends on the eve of Valentine’s Day. We were on the F Market streetcar at Fisherman’s Wharf and the streetcar was very crowded. My friends were from the East Bay and have never experienced Muni life, but this streetcar ride made it very interesting.

A man in the back of the train was very loud and kept saying random things, like “KEEP YOUR BAGS AND WALLETS CLOSE TO YOU.” I thought, “Oh God, not one of these rides again.” But my friends were actually having a good time, enjoying his loudness.

The train was moving slowly out of the Wharf area and the man in the back of the streetcar started singing parts of a song. Well, he was combining two of Lady Gaga’s songs, “Bad Romance” and “Poker Face,” and it was only a small section of the songs. My friends and I couldn’t stop laughing, nor could the other passengers.

Suddenly, my friends started singing “Poker Face” from the beginning. I joined in and then more passengers joined our choir group. The song ended when the man in the back totally killed the song by singing that small section out loud and off-key. Things were going pretty okay until the man walked over to the front of the streetcar. By now he was being really loud, announcing that “I believe in Satan” and started to get closer to me.

My friends seemed a little freaked out, but soon it was our stop, and we got out of that streetcar quick. This was an experience that we would never forget.

P-p-p-poker face p-p-poker face…Got another Muni story to share? Do it here.

Happy riders

Just yesterday, we posted about a bus full of riders made happy all because of their beloved Muni driver, Tammy. Today, Muni rider Vivek sends the photo above, and has this to say:

It seemed like there was partying going in the back of the trolly. I could hear their laughter from across the street.

With this weekend’s service reductions coming up, it’s nice to have some sunshine in the land of Muni tales, right?

I Dream of Muni: Fantasy Fare Inspector

OMG, shoes
Photo by Flickr user WarzauWynn

Muni worked its way into the subconscious mind of Andrea of Hula Sunset. Also starring in this episode are Hubby, fare inspector, and Mom. Why does Mom always show up at the most inopportune places in dreams?

Hubby and I were going to catch the F-Market from our house to go to work. We got to the platform and I realized that my Fast Pass wasn’t in the little pocket of my purse where I usually keep it. It was in the jacket pocket, and of course I had left that jacket at home. Being that we’re way too poor to pay a fine should a POP officer request to see our POP, we decided to not take the train to work, but rather take the train home.

While we’re on the train two things happen. 1) my mom is on the train 2 seats ahead of us, notices us and gets all mad that we didn’t ride the train with her in the first place, and 2) we realize how stupid we are riding the train because we don’t have POP and it doesn’t matter that we’re going home to get my Fast Pass instead of going to work.

Sure enough, the fare inspectors get on the train. When they get to Hubby and me I explain to the nice POP lady what happened, and thank her for not being my least favorite fare inspector who I’m sure is out to get me, and I ask her where my favorite fare inspector is, y’know, the really large friendly lesbian with a crew cut — tough but friendly and fair. She smiles and walks away.

No ticket for me. Thanks dream-inspector.

Hubby and I get off the train and I don’t remember anything else except for a weird stairway, some kids playing lemonade checkers, and my mom giving me crap again for not riding the bus with her.

Yup, we dig Muni dreams. I’m still waiting to dream the one where Lou from Hot Tub Time Machine and I ride the 38 to save the world, whacking zombies with golf clubs along the way. Come on, REM sleep, you can do it!

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