Bored kid in Russia appoints himself bus driver, takes off with vehicle

russia bus kid
Photo via Daily Star

A kid in Russia decided to steal a bus last month and take it on a joyride around town. Unsatisfied with tagging, rock throwing, or whatever it is eight-year-old boys do on their lunch break at school, Andrey Grimov stole the bus when the driver left the keys in the ignition to go on a break.

According to the U.K.’s Daily Star, the boy drove the bus through a hedge, a field, and across a lawn in Veliky Novgorod, before taking it out on the road. Police eventually stopped him by setting up a roadblock. According to the boy’s mother, Andrey said he was bored and looking for an ‘adventure.’

We seem to recall something like this has happened before in San Francisco in the days before Muni Diaries was around. Anyone remember the details?

Fare-evading scorpion terrifies London Tube passengers

Photo via Telegraph UK

A London tube passenger nearly suffered the most painful commute of his life last week when he discovered a scorpion hitchhiking a ride on his bag. According to the Evening Telegraph, the man was in the Victoria Station and began screaming when he spotted the arachnid, alerting London Underground staff. The creature was captured in a plastic box and has since been identified as a Centruroides, a particularly venomous species that may have come from the Carribean. The article quotes a London Zoo expert who said the discovery was bizarre and lamented the fact the scorpion “has been exposed to such a stressful situation.”

Stressful for the scorpion? I would have probably lost my lunch. Thank god we only have bedbugs on BART to deal with.

h/t Telegraph UK

TBT: Awesome vintage video documents fight to save cable cars

It would be hard to imagine a San Francisco without cable cars. But in the early 1950s, the city nearly moved forward with plans to replace the city’s famed trolleys with buses. The fight to save the cable cars was captured in this very cool 1954 news reel that British Pathé recently uploaded to its YouTube channel along with thousands of other videos. Interesting tidbits: cable cars are “no bigger than an automobile,” and can apparently fit 120 people.

Also in the British Pathé collection is a 1946 video showing cable cars, streetcars, and motor coaches speeding around San Francisco and drivers undergoing reaction tests. Sadly, there is no sound.

Got any old photos on Muni or memories you’d like to share? Use our submission inbox or send us an email.

h/t: CurbedSF

Video: NYC subway riders menaced by large rat

New York City commuters turned pretty much hysterical this week after spotting a large rat scampering around their subway car. According to the New York Daily News, the rodent boarded the downtown A train during the morning commute, leaving riders trapped on the train with it as they traveled through a tunnel. A pretty amusing video uploaded by one of the passengers shows fellow riders standing on their seats and shrieking.

Guess living in a big city doesn’t make you immune to some things. Let’s cross our fingers that this never ever happens on N-Judah.

BART multi-tasker is seriously connected


Listening to your iPhone while wearing Google Glass … because you can never have too much technology attached to your head at one time. In all honesty, though, I was a bit surprised he didn’t smack me. I was drunk and could not shut up about his eyewear.

Hear more BART and Muni hilarity tomorrow night at Muni Diaries Live. We’ve got a BART operator and the brains behind BART Don’t Lie and @bartdiaries, Ed Casey, among others. You can’t miss this show. Advance tickets are limited, so get yours today.

VIDEO: Unable to choose, Chicago subway train takes escalator and stairs

Ever had a scary moment when you realized you were standing too close for comfort to an approaching subway train? Chicago subway riders had that experience times a thousand Monday when a train at the O’Hare International Airport jumped the tracks, careening up a escalator and set of stairs before stopping. More than two dozen people were injured in the crash, believed to have been caused by the train’s operator falling asleep at the controls.

See the dramatic video here.

Uh, yeah … holy crap. After seeing this, we don’t care how slow Muni moves.

h/t Gizmodo

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