New Features on Muni Diaries

In our never-ending desire for more contributions, we’ve added “Share a Muni diary” links at the top and right side of the page. Being bound to work within the limitations of WordPress, that’s the best we can do for now. Work is under way to completely revamp the site, and a “share” or “contribute” button will figure prominently in the redesign.

There’s also a “contributors” page now. We’ve started with beauty and the beast (Tara and me, respectively), and will be adding more names soon.

Enjoy, and stay tuned …

Muni Diaries Bug Fixed

Calling it a bug and saying I fixed it makes me sound so much more badass. Really, it was simply a matter of changing the default for new users from “subscriber” to “contributor.”

I realize many people have registered with us, which is great, heartwarming, and exactly what we want: a community-driven site. But you may have been frustrated by trying to figure out how to post your own diary.

Now, when you register, you’ll automatically become a contributor. After registration, if you’re not already there, click the “Site admin” link down on the right there under META, which takes you to the dashboard. From there, click “Write.” Compose your diary, adding photos and other media if you’d like, then click “Submit for review.” That’ll send it to one of our editors.

If you’re not done, and would like to give your Pulitzer-worthy mind more time to stew over whatever it is that brought you here, hit “save,” walk away, and come back at your leisure.

These things will become more streamlined in the future, I hope. I like WordPress, but would love to see the site become more customized down the road.

For now, thanks for reading, commenting, writing, telling your friends … whatever it is you’ve done. Thanks. And keep doing it, please. — Jeff

Welcome to Muni Diaries

Well, finally!

What started in 2004 in a journalism class at San Francisco State University has now found its way, four years later, to the internet.

The idea wasn’t mine, originally, but was intended to be part of a magazine that covered San Francisco culture, neighborhood by neighborhood, with a very youthful slant. My co-editor Eugenia gets all the credit for Muni Diaries as an idea. Together, we decided it’s way cheaper and easier to do a website than to start a magazine from the ground-up. We brought a programmer/designer type on board, and had us an alpha site for a while.

Then we all got jobs.

A few years later, as blogging has taken off and become so easy that moms and dads the world over are doing it, I had the idea to just hatch this thing as a WordPress blog, and let it grow organically.

The idea is to create a forum specifically for anything having to do with public transportation in San Francisco. We’re gonna try to keep BART out of it (hint: we own, which may or may not launch soon, depending on the success of this site), and stick exclusively to:

  • Stories of riding and waiting for Muni buses, light rails, and cable cars
  • News stories involving Muni, especially accidents
  • Agency news and commentary, especially gripes against fare increases and route rescheduling
  • Hotties spotted on Muni
  • Photos and video of any of the above
  • Other topics, which I’m sure will present themselves over time

So please, feel free to contribute, comment, and tell your friends that they have a forum to talk with others about their experiences on San Francisco’s hated, yet loved public transportation system. – Jeff

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