Five Best Muni Moments of the Week

empty muni station
Photo by Benjamin Soto

This week on Muni, most of the biggest moments involve eating. But not necessarily involving food. Here are your five best, laugh-out-loud Muni moments of the week.

1. Guy with a big beard lookin’ like Robin Williams in Jumanji is chewing on his keys and singing nonsense songs on Muni.

2. Rosie came up with what MTA stands for “motherfuckers touching my ass.” Unofficial slogan?

3. Lady on the 38 holding her cucumbers a bit too protectively. One of the possible reasons is NSFW.

4. Seemingly crazy man is offering anyone half a sandwich before he “makes it a double decker” on the 38L. Woo. A transportation reference! Maybe not so crazy?

5. Saving the best for last: a rider saw two guys selling Starbucks coffee beans out of a suitcase on the back of the 22-Fillmore. Entrepreneurial spirit, no?

This week’s five best Muni moments were brought to you by @deanputney, @lalalarosiee, @supasofa, @brieflower, and @nffo. Want your Muni moment to make it to the top five next week? Tweet it to @munidiaries, please!

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