Bat Signals Spotted on Muni



@grandview89 tweeted us this pic of people who will obviously love Batman and each other fo lyfe:

Matching Batman tatts on the N. How romantic.

It’s a good time to celebrate heroes, even (ALLEGEDLY) fictional ones.

Show us what you’re looking at on Muni via @munidiaries on Twitter or the Muni Diaries Facebook page. Follow us on both while you’re at it!

22-Fillmore en español

Photo by torbakhopper

Muni rider Erin overheard a charming exchange of cultures and languages on the 22-Fillmore the other night.

On the 22 to the Richmond late Saturday night, sitting next to thirty-something Hispanic woman. Twenty-something Chinese couple and white male friend get on the bus.

Chinese couple sits in front of us: “How’s your night going?”
Woman next to me: “Perdona, no entiendo.”
Chinese guy: “Hablas español? De donde es usted?”

Cue conversation in Spanish in which I learn (eavesdropping) that the Chinese couple is out with their Spanish tutor, the white gentleman, and love the Spanish language.

Don’t know if they realized I understood anything, but I nearly laughed when Chinese guy told the Hispanic woman that Chinese people and people from Central America have a lot in common because they love spicy food, but white people don’t.

Such a random late night convo.

And such a reason to love San Francisco.

Thanks, Muni Community


For everyone who thinks Muni-riding city folks are kid-hating meanies, Sheila reminds us otherwise:

This isn’t really so much a story but just a shout out to all the kind people I’ve encountered on Muni. I ride Muni quite regularly with these two girls: my daughter and her best friend. It’s not easy going across town with two toddlers, but I have to say the entire community has been great to us. From the City College student who held the door for us so we wouldn’t miss our train, to the drivers and station agents who are always ready with a smile and lots of patience, to the guy who offered us a seat even though he had heavy bags of groceries. I couldn’t do it without these wonderfully kind people that I encounter daily. Yesterday, while entertaining the girls with a round of ABCs, three elderly ladies joined us while they rode back from and early morning visit to Chinatown. So, thanks, everyone!

And thank you for sharing, Sheila. Three elderly ladies helping the girls with their ABCs always qualifies as a story.

We all needed a reminder this week of good things in the world, right? Do something nice for your fellow Muni riders today and let Muni Diaries know all about it.

Reuniting With My Muni Buddy

muni station steps by generic
Photo by Generik11

Rider Juniperks made a friend on the bus and never thought they would see each other again, but San Francisco is really a smaller city than you think.

I grew up in San Francisco, and had to take the Muni bus home from high school every day for four years. If I wanted to visit my friends on the other side of the city, public transportation was the only way to go. While the bus system in SF tends to get a bad rap, I was pleasantly surprised one day by a chance encounter with a stranger.

As I was sitting off to the side, shutting out the rest of the world with my iPod, George got on the bus and took a seat next to me. He offered me a piece of gum, the quintessential high school student peace offering, and we talked for the rest of the hour-long ride. Eventually we reached his stop, and we parted ways, knowing odds were good we would never see each other again.

But a year later, they did find each other. The rest of the story is on Juniperks’ tumblr blog.

What interesting characters did you encounter on your commute today? Tell us about it.

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