Will Muni’s unfunded improvement plan actually improve Muni?

Breda in the Garage
Photo by Telstar Logistics

You remember TEP, right? No? It was the result of extensive studies on how to improve Muni, in a dreamy little nutshell. It was unveiled with great fanfare in 2006, but it ran off the rails when that whole recession thingy started shitting money and jobs in 2008.

Now, SFMTA has brought TEP back to the forefront. SFGate reports:

The Municipal Transportation Agency launched the 18-month Transit Effectiveness Project — with great fanfare, extensive research and many community meetings — in 2006 and adopted it in 2008. Since then, with the agency facing budget crises, the plan sat idle, used only to help decide where service should be slashed.

Now Muni is dusting off the recommendations, beginning a required environmental review process that could take up to two years and restarting community meetings to discuss such controversial proposals as consolidating bus stops to speed service and stringing new overhead wires so Muni can change routes.

Read the rest of the story at SFGate. And tell us: What do you think about TEP’s plans to improve Muni? And how on earth will they find the funding to implement this?

We understand the “OMG I HATE MUNI” sentiment, but this could be your chance to offer realistic suggestions on how we can make it better. More back-door boarding crackdowns? Working with the driver’s union? Eating cake? Weigh in down in the comments.

Rubik’s Cube Champ and Other Best Muni Tweets

Photo by @Urbanoasissf

This week on Muni, @Urbanoasissf saw a man finishing a Rubik’s Cube in 21 seconds! What else happened on Muni this week? The @munidiaries Twitter stream is filled with absurd happenings on the bus. This week, here’s what Muni riders witnessed:

Yesterday on the 38 Driver told lovely woman no drinks. She threw it out the door and hit someone on the sidewalk. (@hollyhollsholl)
Riding #muni bus 22 and just saw a naked guy cross Market. Guess he was catchin’ a few rays while they last! (@fitfoxes)
Also on this muni train: two giggling nuns. (@pamalama)
I really hope the guy behind me on the 38L has a tiny umbrella in his pocket (@NedraD_SF)
Morning commute #muni breakthrough: carry a decent sized birthday cake and people will vacate their seat for you. (@thomaskielbus)

Follow us on Twitter (@munidiaries) — you’ll always have something to read while waiting for the bus. How meta is that?

Immortalize the Muni Fast Pass!

The Muni Diaries Fast Pass T-shirts designed by Nate of New Skool not only make good holiday gifts — they’re also a great way to show your love of the now half-dead San Francisco tradition that was the Fast Pass. Fast Pass cards were a tactile experience (nice to hold those flimsy things in your hands or have them get wet and stop working, right?). But also, discovering each month what the passes’ two colors would be was, shall we say, one of the greater joys of the overall Muni experience?

And now you can wear that experience and remind everyone around you how colorful and cool things were “back in the day.”

Until December 31, the T-shirts are on sale at our Muni Diaries Etsy store: $22 plus shipping.

Also, Secession Art and Design at 3361 Mission St. (across from the 30th St. Safeway in Bernal) carries hoodies, onesies, and some sizes of shirts we’ve run out of. If you’re looking for something to do tomorrow night, drop by Secession’s holiday party Friday from 6:30 to 9:30, get some homebrew, cupcakes, and Fast Pass gear!

Spotted: Twitter Bird Riding Muni

Between hitting F5 like a mad woman and watching the live stream of Twitter’s announcement of the new Twitter.com Tuesday, I didn’t realize that Muni made a cameo in Twitter’s video! Thank you, @verbalcupcake, for pointing this out. See if you spot the little blue bird on our favorite (ok, necessary) mode of transportation.

p.s. Don’t feel left out if you don’t see the new Twitter web page. We don’t either. They’re rolling it out.

Surprise Box on the 38-Geary, Saturday Night


Casi from SanFranciscoNoobs.com came by a sweet box of surprise on the 38-Geary. No, the good kind of surprise, really. Read on. 

Saturday nights are designed for a fun night out with friends. You got to sleep in that morning and you don’t have work the next day. It’s party time! The only thing that can put a damper on this fun night out is the ride home on Muni, especially if you live out by Ocean Beach. During the regular commute hours the 38-Geary is filled with silent workers on their favorite smartphone, headphones in, of course! But once night falls this grand ‘ol bus turns into a circus filled with college clowns, drunken acrobats (a.k.a. drunks girls in heels falling all over themselves), and freak shows (bums who think they are god).

I’ve spent many a drunken night on the always-a-madhouse 38, but I like to keep to myself and just watch the action around me. This most recent Saturday evening I found myself in my normal position of inebriation on the back of the bus, but this particular night was a special one. No crazies? Am I on the right bus? Luckily I was, so I thought to myself, “I guess I should be the crazy one!”

I suddenly shouted out, “I’m hungry!!!”

This is the part where beautiful music started, a bright light descended onto the palms of my hands, and an angel came to my hunger pangs. The man next to me, wearing a full chef’s outfit (which I didn’t notice before my hunger declaration), placed a white box in my hands and said “Here ya go, young one.”

Ok, maybe it didn’t go exactly like that. He placed the box in my hands and headed toward the exit without a word. I opened the box to find every cookie and yummy pastry known to man! As my angel chef walked off the bus, I yelled “I love you!!!” and he looked back with a smile. I shared my gift from heaven with the not-so-inebriated and quiet people around me. It was the most joyous bus ride of my life, and I will never forget it. Mostly because I’m surprised I woke up the next morning. Those things could have been poisoned! My mom told me never to take treats from a stranger and I failed her. My mom and I thank you, nice Muni chef man, for not killing me.

Are those cupcakes and Mexican wedding cookies in the box? Casi, you lucky you! Got another story of random wonderful strange encounter on Muni? I bet you do.

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