Interleague baseball love on Muni

Over on our Muni Diaries Facebook page, Dolores posted these photos from en route to yesterday’s baseball game. The World Series champion San Francisco returned to town to open an exhibition series against cross-Bay rivals Oakland Athletics. The Giants won 4-3.

According to Dolores:

when the J-Church pulled out of Montgomery and the operator announced that it would be continuing to the ballpark, not terminating at Embarcadero- the whole trained CHEERED.

Akit has some helpful tips for taking Muni to the ballpark.

And clearly, go, Giants!

BREAKING: Tree falls into wires, disrupts J-Church (update)

Update (2:57 p.m.): SFMTA spokesman Paul Rose says that SFFD crews removed the tree and that J-Church was restored around 1:00 p.m.

Original post: Muni rider Christine sends the following alert:

Looks like a moving truck hit a tree bringing it down and into electrical wires on the outbound J line between the 22nd and 24th street stops. Police are working to cut the tree down but we were told to exit the train because it would be awhile. 12:30pm.

We’ll bring you service updates as we receive them.

Email or tweet us if you see anything happening that you think can make your fellow riders’ commute easier.

How not to get jacked in the back of the bus

38 muni tagging
Photo by Yesica

Two people at the SOMArts exhibit of I Live Here: SF had back-of-the-bus tales to share:

A group of happy-go-lucky teens jumped onto the bus and then realized that some of them needed money to complete their journey. They walked over and asked me for a buck or two — I complied, having been in that predicament myself before. A second teenager asked me for more change for his friend. “No luck,” I replied. I didn’t have any more change. Then I blurted out, “Hey man, I just gave you two bucks!” I had a big grin on my face because I was impressed by their preseverance.

They grinned in response and said, “We could jack you. But you’re nice so we’re not going to jack you.”

We all laughed and I learned again that it pays to be nice. At least on Muni.

This one’s from Christine:

While riding the J, I noticed that a man behind me reeked of cigarette smoke. That wasn’t unusual, but it started getting stronger. Finally, I heard another passenger say, “Ok, we all sat here while you smoked the first one, but that’s enough!”

I turned around just as the guy crushed out his second cigarette.

Reminds us of one of the first diaries not written by us: Rob’s story from July 2008 of breaking all the rules on Muni.

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