Muni, SFPD Launch Smartphone Safety Campaign

Photo: davitydave

You might’ve heard some updated PSA recordings from the bus, reminding us to be aware of our surroundings and to keep tabs on our mobile devices. SFMTA and SFPD are turning that message into public-service ads, further cautioning riders to stay aware when using mobiles on Muni. From a Muni press release:

Recent targeting of smartphones and other high-end electronic devices by thieves are the focus of the public service ads. Two different versions show customers using an iPhone and an iPad and use the tag lines, ‘Be smart with your smartphone’ and ‘Thieves know an opportunity when they see it,’ respectively.

This is all too familiar to the Muni Diaries community, unfortunately. In December, we had a stolen iPhone on the 38-Geary. In January, we had a thwarted iPhone theft on the 38L, reminding us that 1) sticky fingers abound and, 2) we won’t all be that lucky. SFPD released these images of alleged iPhone thieves on the J-Church, and Officer Matthew Friedman even asked for our help spreading the safety word.

So keep these important tips from SFMTA and SFPD in mind:

  • Be aware of your surroundings and the people around you.
  • Don’t allow your attention to become distracted from your property.
  • If you are using an iPhone, don’t use the standard issue white headphones as these are identified with the devices.
  • Use the security features, such as a security code log-in, to protect your information from identity theft.
  • If you are a victim of a crime, do not resist. Take mental notes of the suspect’s description and report the incident to the police or Muni personnel immediately.
  • If you see a theft in progress, please call 911.

In sum, keep it on the DL and keep an eye on your things.

DIY: Make Your Own Muni

Image: Lost in the 415

Back in December, we posted what was obviously the hottest item on your holiday wish list: folding paper Muni buses. Think paper dolls, but for your favorite Muni line. An easy, fun idea from Paper Buses via Uptown Almanac.

Marjorie contacted us recently to say she made five of these babies: the 71-Haight-Noriega, the 38-Geary, the 47-Van Ness, the 15-Third St./Fisherman’s Wharf (takin’ it back old school), and the occasional Out Of Order (taking it back to, oh, now). Neato.

Print yours out today — there are a few other lines available on Paper Buses — and send us your photos and stories. Why’d you pick the line that you did?

We’re still waiting on that inaccurate paper NextBus tracker to go with it.

Heater on Muni: Hell Yes or Hell No

Photo: CarbonNYC

Q. Who loves talking about (complaining about) the weather?

A. San Franciscans (myself included).

Remember when it started to get cold before it got warm again? In that not-so-distant past, I put up an important poll on our Muni Diaries Facebook Page:

Heater blasting on Muni is:

a) Like winning the transit lottery on these chilly days. I love it.
b) Like stewing in armpit stench. Hate hate hate.
c) Indifferent.

There were a couple votes for A. As rider Elizabeth said, “Heat is always a win as far as I’m concerned. Would rather smell some body odors than be cold.” A couple others, including rider Faern, said it depends on the type of bus. Faern cited the 22, which…OK, we can stop right there.

Still, B won by a pretty wide margin amid concerns over the B.O. hot-box. Oh, and the fact that it’s allegedly not that cold (what about the wind?! THE WIND!?) in San Francisco. I’ll be out completing my Christmas Story look, then.

Wouldn’t you know it, some recent tweets to @munidiaries side with our B voters. @missmarymary says, “Sweatiest commute ever. Dear muni, rain =/= cold,” while @janepfrank reports it reaching a million degrees on her 38-Geary.

So, which is it, A, B, or C? This is very important, you guys.

The Accordion Files — Cool Things in Muni’s Squishy Part

MUNI 7012
Photo by Frank Deanrdo

Yesterday, I posted about this guy’s Christmas Chuck Taylors. I said that some of the most interesting stuff happens in the accordion: those four seats in the squishy middle of articulated buses. Then, @SF_CableCar offered this suggestion:

Fun! Maybe you should start a section dedicated to unusual happenings in the accordion part of the bus & call it ‘The Accordion Files.’

Cable cars have the best ideas. Ask and ye shall receive.

Forget the back of the bus; sit in the gooey center and tell us what’s happening in it. You, too, might find great shoes or, as Jeff did a few years ago, a guy who rubs his snot on the handrail. Ew!

This idea couldn’t have come at a better time. On the 38 recently, I sat in the accordion and wondered what would happen if I and the three others had to make like Sandra Bullock and save the bus or even the world. Indeed, what if I, the lady praying her rosary, the girl with 80 shopping bags in the aisle, and the impeccably dressed older gentleman were humanity’s only hope? The accordion does wacky things to a lone rider with a dead phone.

Though we may never see that level of excitement, we still want to hear about it. Email us, tweet us @munidiaries, or chat us up on the Muni Diaries Facebook Page.

God of Public Transit Lives Here

One of our favorite web peeps, the Tenderloin Geographic Society, found an awesome wood print by a friend who was doing a project at SFMOMA, now on display at Mission Cultural Center. For the project, artist Imin Yeh created an alternative Chinese New Year celebration, with museum visitors producing seemingly “auspicious” cultural objects.

The God of Public Transportation looks pretty auspicious to me. She’s got two bucks at the ready and kick-ass boots. And she’s riding the storied 38-Geary.

Check out the Tenderloin Geographic Society‘s other photo finds around the city.

Jesse, Rosie Perez, and Ron Weasley on a 38-Geary to the Farallons

We found Jesse at Muni Diaries Live: Breaking It Down in April 2010. He obliterated the audience storytelling portion of that night with his story of the Misfired Projectile in Tiffany’s Airspace. We stayed on the case, and got this unassuming, yet totally charm-your-pants-off young man back up on stage for his deserved full set.

At last month’s Muni Diaries Live, Jesse shared the story of withering away of innocence when it comes to riding Muni:

I grew up and went to high school in Southern California. I did what everybody else did — I drove a car … I graduated high school and I fled, like crazy. I went to San Francisco State. I didn’t even look at the school — I just knew it was in San Francisco and gay people live there!

And I encountered Muni. I encountered buses, and trains, and trains that did buslike things, and stairs, and all that craziness. I was flabbergasted, to say the least. Riding Muni was like riding a unicorn. It was like, “What??!? I get a transfer? This is so great! $1?” I’m dating myself.

I was that guy on Muni who was so in love with the experience that I was talking to people. I was like, “Oh my god, you shopped today? So did I!”

Watch the video above to hear the rest of Jesse’s gripping tale.

Previously: MissionMission’s Ariel Tells All: First Kiss, on Muni

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