What did you see on Muni today?

Photo by Ethan Hein

Cuz if you’re anything like these fellow Muni riders, you saw some good stuff.

  • Gotta love the guy with a 10lb thing of kitty litter on the bus. #catpersonproblems
  • People rolling joints, typical. Separating a shoe box full of cocaine into baggies? Not so… #sf
  • empty mickey of vodka, container of potato salad, pint of Haagen-Dazs. Apparently some take the 6 to get over a breakup
  • so the 29 driver just stopped the bus, got out, and did several jumping jacks. That’s all
  • Oh my god why did I just look up from my phone to this old guy in spandex shorts

This week’s sights of Muni is brought to you by @sctosf, @thekatwok, @rianadadlani, @turkellviolince, and @iamyourgirlrach. If you saw something worth sharing on Muni, there’s a good place to do just that: @munidiaries.

The Muni Life

Photo by Muni rider Jaush

You love it. You know you do. All the whacky stuff that happens on your commute. Life wouldn’t be the same without it.

Just a few examples:

  • Guy boom-boxin’ “My Girl” on 38L, slightly disappointed that people weren’t singing along. #sfmuni
  • Drunk brodude on #sfmuni is at that point where he is either going to start hugging people or throwing punches
  • Grammar argument OH on #SFMuni bus: “I don’t give a fuck if shrimp is plural already. Shrimps, bitch.”
  • On the #sfmuni #21Hayes seated in front of a woman with the speaking voice of an out-of-tune #kazoo
  • Someone just told me their phone number was 867-5309 (niiinnnnneeeee) #funny #80sthrowback #munidiaries

This week’s shades of Muni is brought to you by fellow riders @danmasq, @deathandfood, @AkiraNiji, @QuismOreoCookie, and @HannahStahulak. Follow @munidiaries, because crazy shit on Muni is actually more reliable than Muni itself.

Creepy, gross things that happen on Muni

Photo by Heidi De Vries

Yeah, Muni rides cover the spectrum. But for whatever reason (record high temperatures?), creepy and gross really stood out this week. To whit:


  • man on muni told me he likes the way my skin smells and he’s going to Safeway..okayyyy #muniproblems
  • And this old man next to me has no body control… Keeps slamming me into the wall of the bus #ugh


  • “My money is sweaty.” things overheard on @sfmta_muni on a hot day.
  • If you don’t hear from me in the next hour I died on #sfmuni from heat, dehydration, lack of ventilation, and sticky thighs.
  • Favorite #muni game? “Feces or Chocolate Donut!?” @munidiaries #TGIT

This week’s roundup brought to you by fellow Muni riders @rach_janks, @ccourtanna, @CarrieDetrick, @Jessiy0, and @Chooplah. Got Muni musings? Share them @munidiaries.

All the popular Muni tweets

Photo by Sonny Abesamis

And wouldya just lookee there. Many of them are about drinking and the hot, hot heat we suffered this weekend. Coincidence?

  1. To the dude drinking Steel Reserve in the back of the 8x at 7:45 in the morning on a Monday – I salute you.
  2. Drunk guy on Muni yelling random lyrics from Lorde songs. #onlyinSF
  3. So it’s 72 in SF (equivalent to the rest of the world’s 92) & #Muni has the heater on. #MuniIsTryingToKillUs
  4. The #19 bus is like the Mos Eisley of #SFMuni. I only wish I had Obi-Wan to escort me every morning. cc @starwars
  5. If the bus smells like if someone is eating fried chicken is most likely bc someone really is eating fried chicken

This week’s astute Muni observations were made by @taylormadeSF, @IvanVanderbyl, @LorenaBennett, @brendenguy, and @Zurib19. What’s happening on your Muni commute? Tell it to @munidiaries.

Winning observations of life on Muni

Photo by WHardcastle

Because Muni is cold. It is hard. It is truth. Live it, know it, love it, like these fine folks are doing.

  • Sometimes I think mass transit is designed to embarrass you physically. Great source of physical comedy. #muni
  • The bus you’re on time for, is the bus that never comes #sfmuni
  • Shocked it took me living here 4 yrs before I saw someone on @sfmta_muni using vodka bottle as pillow
  • My nose adapted to breathing air w/o actually smelling it. Thx for helping me experience evolution, Muni
  • An always fun #muni game – whose BO? This round was easy. Crazy hobo scratching his pits.

This chapter of the Gospel of Muni was written for you by @beausepher, @katiedreaper, @mollybierman, @TheLuisRocha, and @mschung. What have you got to say? Tell it @munidiaries.

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