Muni Art for Supervisor Eric Mar

We had an inkling that Muni art can be really cool, and it turns out that Supervisor Eric Mar thought so too. The Richmond district supervisor recently commissioned artist Leslie Henslee, owner of Frankenartmart, to make a sculpture of the 38 Geary. She used materials from the ‘hood like Ocean Beach sand, Golden Gate Park parts, and Richmond haunts to make the sculpture:


Pretty awesome that she’s sourced these local materials! See more pictures of the Heslee’s 38-Geary or go to Frankenart’s website to find out more about her projects.

Thanks to rider Joey for the tip!

Weekend Photo: Zoom!

The 22 Races Away Just Before Dawn
Photo by Flickr user eviloar

Whoa, this week passed me by just like that. Enjoy the sunshine, and don’t forget: you still have time to submit your obit for your favorite dying lines.

Here at Muni Diaries headquarters (also known as my second-hand desk from IKEA), we are gearing up for our second spoken word party, “Muni Diaries Live! Under the Influence.” Email us to join the line up or, as always, if you want to share your Muni tales or photos.

Have a great weekend!

Be our 1,000th Twitter follower, win a Muni T-shirt! (update w/winner)


Update (Friday, Sept. 18, 2009, 4:00 p.m.): And the winner is … memeticfield of San Francisco. Congrats!

Update (Friday, Sept. 18, 2009, 9:22 a.m.): We have a winner! Just not sure who it is yet … more to come.

Original post: Shameless self-promotion? Sure. Bean-counting? Maybe. Winning free stuff? Hell yeah!

Muni Diaries is proud to say that we’re fast approaching our milestone 1,000th follower on Twitter. In order to perhaps get there a little faster, and to show our appreciation, Walter Koning is offering one of his awesome Muni T-shirts as a prize to that on-the-nose 1,000th, non-spam, non-Brittney-fucked-vids follower. We’d like you to at least be from SF or the Bay Area, as much as we love our peeps in other time zones. So spread the word. We’ll announce the Twitterer who nails it at 1K as an update to this post once that happens. Stay tuned …

P.S. Don’t stop with a follow. Spread your Muni stories here, and tell your friends about Muni Diaries.

BART ‘deal’

i don't like cocaine, i just like how it smells.
Photo by Flickr user wentzxxpete

From BART rider Amy:

I’m pretty sure I witnessed a drug deal on BART the other morning. This guy was measuring out some white powder sitting in his seat on BART and held up a baggie for this other guy that appeared to have pot in it. I considered it all very weird as BART cars have cameras in them.

No photo, unfortunately. It was around 9:40 or so. Late for work, per usual. The guy who appeared to be the buyer was wearing a puffy yellow sports jacket. I remember because I saw him walking into the 16th Street BART and thought, “what a ridiculous yellow puffy jacket.” He was sitting in one seat turned around backward talking to the other guy with the drugs who was in the seat behind him.

What have you seen on BART lately? Tell us:

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